Just think about it for a moment
Google has devoted thousands of the brightest people on earth and many billions of dollars over the course of 20 years to the sole task of helping people find stuff online.Yet so many of us have been indoctrinated into believing we can outsmart Google, the world’s most powerful computing engine, simply by changing some wording on our websites.
I can barely outsmart my dog by spelling out the word “W.A.L.K.” verbally to my wife lol. I know this stands in contrast to nearly everything the marketing establishment wants you to believe, but this one is really out there.
I’m not going to put on my tinfoil hat here, but SEO makes up the single largest spend in online marketing. Thousands of businesses depend on the sale of SEO services to keep the doors open. It seems to reason, they aren’t going to walk away from it – even if it’s based on such a foolish premise.
The truth about the few websites that actually have been successful in manipulating Google through SEO
Very, very few websites have ever truly manipulated Google search results. They all have one thing in common: they were absolutely crushed by Google, some of them being completely wiped off of the internet.
Take a look at this list of websites from 2011 that were targeted by Google for SEO. Do you recognize any of them? Nope, they were actually successful at SEO, and Google took em out.
SEO stands in complete opposition to Google’s core mission: helping people find what they really want
- Have you ever Googled something and had the first result be a video – a video that is pre-loaded to the exact point in the timeline that addresses your question?
- Have about all of the ads you see for the exact item you’ve been shopping around for?
- Or…seeing ads for something you’ve thought about, but never even searched for?
We tend to think of Google as a master of everything that is on the web. While that is a totally accurate statement, it also completely missed the point!
Indexing the internet is child’s play for Google. Their core mission is developing a masterful understanding of you, and me, and everyone else.
Did you know we all see different sets of results when searching the exact same thing? Not all of the time, but a lot of the time.