MailChimp & Elementor Integration

This guide explains how to integrate MailChimp with Elementor Pro Form Widget.


  1. First set your MailChimp API Key in the Integrations Settings. Under Elementor > Settings > Integrations Tab
  2. Create a form using Elementor Form Widget
  3. Click Actions After Submission
  4. Under Add Action choose MailChimp

Tip: Click to learn how to get your API Key from MailChimp

Selecting MailChimp Options

  1. API Key: Use the default API Key or a custom one
  2. Audience: Pick an audience
  3. Groups (available once Audience has been chosen): Choose groups
  4. Tags (available once Audience has been chosen): Add comma-separated tags
  5. Double Opt-in (available once Audience has been chosen): Set Double Opt-in to send a second verification email
  6. Field Mapping (available once Audience has been chosen): Set the option to map your fields

Note: For the moment, the visitors of the websites will not be able to self-select their group.

Forms not sent with MailChimp:

  • If you have issues sending forms integrated with MailChimp make sure that you have not added an “address” field or a “birthday” field within your field mapping settings in your MailChimp account.
  • Please note also that the API of MailChimp does not allow joining a list with the same email address more than once. You will receive an error in this case.
  • In addition, the MailChimp API does not allow updating tags for existing contacts. Tags can only be added to new contacts.

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