Is your website made for business?

This article covers the key elements that your company needs on your website along with the best options to actually implement them.
Should we put our prices on our website?

When you should put pricing on your website, and more importantly the best way to do it to maxmize your conversions and sales.
How to design the right website footer for your business

We’ve compiled the must-haves and best practices for the footer on your business website.
Invoicing (and accounting) with WordPress

If you have a Wordpress site, you should think twice before paying for an invoicing and account tool. Do it with Wordpress instead
What are the most important things to consider when building a WordPress website for your business?

Wordpress offers so many options, it really is impossible to keep up, but by focusing on the following areas, you can ensure success in the areas that matter the most
Finding the best long tail keywords for your business – without paying a dime

As with everything in SEO, your only focus should be on your potential customers. Finding long tail keywords to build your content around is no different. In fact, your customers are probably your best source.
The best thing you can do for your WordPress site is to keep it up to date

While it may not be in the best interest of my bottom line, it’s definitely in your best interest to keep you website updated.
SEO is the biggest scam in the world of small business marketing

Sorry, but tweaking a few keywords and html tags isn’t enough to “trick” Google… Yet so many of us still believe this to be true.
How to Integrate WordPress with your CRM

Integrating your CRM with Wordpress can provide a lot more value than you are aware, and it’s a lot easier than you think.